Do you run an impact-driven enterprise and think it’s time to take it to the next level? Do you think your company is almost ready for investment but needs further capacity development? Then this program is for you!

Ahead of The Curve, with OXFAM, are launching “Thrive“, a specialized program designed for impact-driven SMEs at growth phase; aiming at getting them ready for investment and growth.


If you are managing an SME, that

  • has a positive societal or environmental impact
  • has been up and running for 2 years or more and
  • needs specialized support to grow and get ready for investment,

then this program is for you.


If you meet the criteria above, you are probably in a phase where you need to work on refining certain aspects of your business and impact models, revisit your financing mechanisms and/or strategy and get technical assistance on relevant and essential areas along the way. Thrive can help you get that!

The program will give you and, potentially, members of your team access to specialized training and one-on-one consulting with experts in various fields and it is all based on your needs! The topics of training and areas of consulting will be tailored to meet your company’s needs to help you take it steps forward!

SectorsAgribusiness, Business services, Clean technology and energy, Utilities, Construction and manufacturing, Manufacturing, Creative, media and entertainment, Education, Financial services, Healthcare, ICT, Leisure and travel, Retail and wholesale, Consumer non-durables, Transport and logistics, Water, sanitation and hygiene, Cars, Household appliances, Luxury goods and jewelry

To watch the video on our first round, conducted in 2017, click here.


If you have any further inquiries please contact

Application Deadline: June 26 2019