Title: Advocacy and Accountability Grant for improved Governance, Resourcing and Stewardship of the Primary Health Care System in Bauchi, Kebbi AND OR Sokoto States under “USAID Integrated Health Program”
1. Overview USAID’s Integrated Health Program (HP) would like to invite eligible non- governmental organizations (for-profit and not-for-profit), and nongovernmental professional associations, faith based organizations, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Community based Organizations (CBOs), Coalitions, Networks and other qualified organizations to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) for Grants Under Contract (GUC) with USAID Integrated Health Programs. IHP works closely with state government in Bauchi, Kebbi and Sokoto States to support established health and development plans, build capacity and ensure ownership of interventions, systems and results
IHP promotes integrated packages of services in the seven core intervention areas of HSS and RMNCH+NM, while cross-cutting priority areas include gender and social inclusion, sustainability and country ownership. With government, community, and private sector partners, IHP strives to achieve three objectives:
(1) strengthen health systems while supporting PHC services,
(2) improve access to PHC services, and
(3) increase quality of PHC services.
Over the years, USAID has supported programs to strengthen the capacity of Nigerian civil society organizations (CSOs) to advocate to government institutions for reforms that improve transparency, accountability and inclusive governance. IHP Advocacy approach is in line with USAID strategy on citizen engagement and inclusive governance in RMNCH+A interventions. USAID has supported increased engagement and efficacy of civil society to influence public institutions that serve citizens’ interests.
IHP recognizes civil society’s potential ability to advocate for systems and structures that promote service availability, equity, and access and their role in keeping government actors accountable for delivering on their responsibilities and commitments. IHP wishes to leverage on these abilities to drive citizens’ Inclusive and meaningful participation, strategic government engagement, and responsive decision-making in the health system through multi-stakeholder and multi-constituency platforms. The successful grants will be required to systematically organize several CSOs, FBOS, and the WDCs within the state to share information and best practices, align their priorities, and plan effectively as a group to increase their efficiency and impact. The grantee should also demonstrate how this network will be sustained beyond the lifespan of the project.
This Expression of Interest is open to register non-governmental organizations or a consortium of organizations in Nigeria who may or may not be resident in any of the IHP states but who are technically capable of providing the required services and willing and able to provide Advocacy and health governance program delivery in either one, two or three States (Bauchi, Kebbi, and/or Sokoto). This will be a fixed amount award (FAA) that pays for pre-defined milestones and deliverables.
Broad objective
To contribute to strengthening of the health systems supporting integrated PHC services using evidence-based, result-oriented and gender-sensitive advocacy and accountability mechanisms in Bauchi, Kebbi, and Sokoto States by September 30, 2020
Specific objectives:
1. To advocate for increased resourcing, prudent spending and investments for primary health care services in the states
2. Strengthen local networks’ (e.g. CSOS, FBOs, and WDCs) capacity to institutionalize accountability mechanisms, citizen engagement and monitoring of service provision of primary healthcare services in the states
The detailed activities that the grantee will undertake are:
Develop a detailed implementation plan for the project comprising the following elements:
• A detailed advocacy plan for engaging and influencing the relevant policy and decision makers on identified priorities, the advocacy plan should clearly outline the advocacy issues, advocacy objectives, advocacy messages/briefs, target audience advocacy tools and advocacy outcomes.
• A detailed accountability plan reflecting activity that will be undertaken to ensure participatory budgeting for the health sector, track government commitments to strengthen the primary health system and hold government accountable to these commitments.
• An Advocacy Plan to more fully engage communities in the planning and monitoring of health services.
Instructions for submitting the EOI:
1. Submit a letter indicating Interest in applying for one or more State grants, specify which states.
2. Submit a maximum of two-page concept note using the template provided
3. Submit a simple cost estimate
4. Provide evidence of eligibility as per the requirements as contained in the eligibility section
5. Show ability and willingness to abide by the terms of U.S. government standard provisions, including the “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance” by accepting the provisions in their award
Full EOI application package can be downloaded from this link
Interested applicants who are not able to access the link above can send email to requesting for the EOI package
All EOIs should be submitted to All short-listed organizations will be invited to submit full application. Successful candidates will be required to sign certifications: Terrorism, Anti-Kickback, Debarment, and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Grants Team Contact Details:
Representative Email:
Programme website:
All submitted EOIs will be reviewed by the Grants and Evaluation Committee in accordance with the IHP Grants Manual. Organizations who qualify from the EOI stage will be notified and invited to respond to an RFA. Please note, Palladium will not award profit under any assistance instruments, such as grant awards. However, all reasonable, allocable, and allowable expenses (both direct and indirect) which are related to the program and are in accordance with applicable cost standards may be covered under the grant.
Issuance of this EOI does not constitute an award commitment, nor does it commit Palladium to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission.
Please note that the technical requirements, funding level and other conditions may change significantly before the actual RFA is released. This is just EOI and not a Request for Application (RFA). Please simply submit EOI at this stage
Note: this EOI is only open for fifteen (15) days from the date of this publication. (i.e 27/05/2020)