The Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, was established in 1976 and offers full-time, sandwich and part-time Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programmes, Pre-NCE and Degree programmes (In affiliation with the University).

Applications are hereby Invited from interested and suitably qualified candidates for the position below:

Job Title: Provost

Location: Abeokuta, Ogun


  • Applications are hereby Invited from interested and suitably qualified candidates for the post of the Provost of Federal College of Education, Abeokuta that would be vacant soon
  • Candidates for the post must possess demonstrable evidence of strong academic and administrative leadership, initiative and creativity in policy formulation, management of human and material resources, good human relations and other positive managerial attributes.


  • The Provost is the Chief Executive of the College and is responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of the College
  • The successful candidate would be expected to provide the required academic, administrative and professional leadership for the College in executing the broad policies laid down by the Governing Council for the achievement of the objectives for which the College was established.

Some specific duties of the Provost, among others, include being:

  • The Chief Academic, Administrative and Accounting Officer of the College;
  • The Chairman of the Academic Board that directs and oversees academic activities of the College;
  • A member of the College Governing Council in charge of providing periodic reports on the progress of the College in terms of personnel, finances, Infrastructure and ensuring that the decisions of Council are carried out promptly;
  • Responsible for ensuring meetings of Council and committees are serviced, etc;
  • Responsible for approving and authorizing all payments and expenditures of the College in accordance with the financial regulations, treasury circulars and Governing Council’s decisions under sound financial discipline and management;
  • The Provost shall foster good rapport with the relevant organs of the Federal Ministry of Education, National Commission for Colleges of Education and other professional bodies that would lead to the ultimate attainment of the status of a Centre of Excellence by the College.

Candidates for the post of the Provost should possess the following:

  • A Doctorate Degree (Ph.D) in a field relevant to, at least, one programme in the College with a minimum of fifteen (15) years post qualification teaching / research experience in the College of Education System; and in addition must have held a senior teaching / research as well as holding top administrative leadership position in an institution of higher learning
  • At least five (5) year experience as a Chief Lecturer in the College of Education System
  • Must not be more than fifty-nine (59) years of age at the time of taking up the appointment
  • Evidence of good track record in result-oriented researches at national and International levels, as evident in scholarly publications.
  • Evidence of professional standing and honours
  • Demonstrable evidence of proficiency in ICT (packages and capabilities)
  • Demonstrable evidence of good conduct, discipline, dedication, drive, resourcefulness and ability to command respect and loyalty of members of staff and students of the College
  • Candidate shall not foster personal, social, ethnic, political, religious and other sectional interest
  • Possession of Professional Teaching Qualification, a minimum of Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) or Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), including registration with the Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) is mandatory.
  • Evidence of community services at both local and national levels
  • Candidate must be a person of vision, a goal getter, and one that can produce and execute a strategic plan for the College.


  • The appointment is for a period of four (4) years in the first instance and subject to satisfactory performance; re-appointment for a second and final term of four (4) years.


  • The salary and fringe benefits attached to the post are as applicable to the post of a Provost in all Federal Colleges of Education in Nigeria and as may be determined from time-to-time by the Federal Government.

Application Closing Date
19th August, 2020.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates are requested to submit twenty (20) copies of their Applications (including credentials and Curriculum Vitae) in the following order:

  • Post sought
  • Full Names (Surname underlined)
  • Marital Status, Number and Ages of Children
  • Mobile Phone Number(s) and E-mail Address(es)
  • Date and Place of Birth, Local Government Area and State of Origin
  • Current Postal Address and Permanent Home Address
  • Educational Institutions Attended with Dates
  • Academic and Professional Qualifications and Distinctions with Dates
  • Membership of Professional Associations / Bodies with valid evidence
  • Work Experience in chronological sequence
  • Present Employer-Status and Salary
  • Extra curricular activities
  • Publications in Standard APA format
  • ICT Proficiency Compliance (with valid evidence)
  • Societal linkages and contributions to local, national and international lives
  • Fund / Research Grants attracted over the years (with evidence).
  • Medical Fitness (supported by a report from a Recognized Government Hospital)
  • Names and Addresses of three (3) Referees, one of whom must be the Present Employer
  • Signature and Date

The application should be accompanied with a two-page statement of the candidate’s mission and vision for the College.

The Application should be enclosed in an envelope marked “Position Of Provost” at the top left corner, addressed and submitted to:
The Registrar and Secretary to the Governing Council,
Federal College of Education,
P.M.B 2096, Abeokuta,
Ogun State

Note: Candidates are also to ensure that their Referees submit confidential reports on them directly to the Registrar’s Office within the specified period.