In last 2 years, the Facebook sponsored “Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Digital Programme” organized by FATE Foundation held across several Nigerian cities. We recorded great impact and engagements across all programmes and reached 640 StartUps providing their Founders with relevant knowledge, tools and skills to grow sustainable and digitally enabled businesses.

Following the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic across the world and with attendant limitations on movements and in-person interactions, we have redesigned this programme to provide support to startup founders across Nigeria who need as much support as they can get to sustain their innovative business ideas, generate revenue and create jobs.  The programme and curriculum will focus strongly on business model pivot, digital strategy enablement and financial literacy particularly cashflow management. We believe that this knowledge and skills are essential for times like this and will enable the selected entrepreneurs build their resiliency and competitive advantage during and after this crisis period.

We are excited that Facebook will be providing the grant support to cover all tuition and programme needs for the selected entrepreneurs this year thereby making it FREE.

To qualify, entrepreneurs must be graduates with startups that have already launched, be computer literate, aged 25-40 years and have access to a digitally enabled device. Each applicant will also be required to upload relevant documents as indicated with detailed information about them and their business as the case might be.

Structure and Curriculum
With the existence of the novel COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of businesses have come perilously close to quitting while many others have abandoned their original ideas and/or had to pivot drastically. The AEP Digital (Virtual Edition) curriculum has been designed to provide insight to aspiring and budding entrepreneurs to see diverse market potentials, understand how to create a structured business model and learn and use digital strategy to grow their businesses. The curriculum is themed “Building a Digitally Enabled StartUp in the COVID-19 Pandemic” and will also enable the entrepreneurs implement strategies that will ensure online visibility using different digital tools and strategies.
These sessions will be facilitated by various industry leaders and professionals across the entrepreneurship ecosystem using a pedagogy approach to build networks amongst the entrepreneurs and encourage group/team work for better learning. The robust learning structure is a combination of virtual interactive class sessions, workshops, case studies, entrepreneurship book reviews, plenary sessions, masterclasses and group activities.

Key Benefits and Learning Outcomes
• Business Model Strategies & Pivot
• Digital Marketing Strategies & Enablement
• Financial Literacy and Cashflow Management
• Financing Strategies
• Access to Free Digital Tools and Platforms
• Data Support to Enable participation in the Programme
• Facebook Ad Credits for Winners of In Programme and Pitch Competitions
• Access to FATE Foundation’s Business Advisory and Support Services
The virtual learning sessions per programme stream will run for a period of six (6) weeks.

Stage I: Interested applicants must complete the application form here and upload the following documents:

  1. A Profile Picture (headshot facing camera)
  2. School Certificate or Statement of Result from an Accredited Tertiary Institution
  3. Birth Certificate
  4. Resume
  5. C.A.C. Certificate
  6. Proof of Business Registration and/or Operations within the State

Stage II: Following a review of all received applications, 50 candidates will be shortlisted for a 10-20 minutes phone/video interview after which 30 applicants will be shortlisted for each stream.
Through the support of Facebook, the programme is FREE to all entrepreneurs who successfully scale through the two application stages. This scholarship support from Facebook covers all direct course fees including course materials, books and post programme support.
This is a city by city virtual training and it is expected that each entrepreneur enrolled for the programme must be from the location/city where you have applied for the programme. This will also be verified during the shortlisting/selection process.

To apply, click here:

Additional Post Programme Benefits
· Access to mentoring and business advisory support from FATE Foundation
· Funding and Market Linkages