The Chief Executive Officer of SolAps, a United States-based solar products design and marketing company, Mr. Omololu Noibi said the Nigerian solar power industry is growing and it is aiming to reach 20 million Nigerians with its products.

Noibi, who spoke at a press briefing in Lagos, said the company which was founded in 2009 with the goal of accelerating the adoption of solar renewable energy around the world had created a mobile app that connects users to solar mobile chargers.

According to him, SolAps became a smart solar company, with the revised goal of enhancing delivery of solar energy using smart and connected technology, enabling the company to leverage information and computer technology, and therefore obtaining a wide range of monetization channels.

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He revealed that the company’s products include solar jacket, backpack, travel bag, phone case and tablet case.

Noibi said, “We have an ambitious pipeline ahead. We are passionate about making clean energy as accessible as possible in developing the Nigerian market.

“The off-grid clean energy market in Nigeria has significant untapped potential. As we expand our operations in the country, we are empowering thriving communities to unlock economic potential through affordable energy access and by accelerating the adoption of solar renewable worldwide.”

He stated further that he would like to see a situation where more Nigerians have ownership of companies and the technologies being used as opposed to having products shipped from China.

He said, “The interest in solar energy in Nigeria is huge. We have seen commendable efforts to popularise the technology. However, because we started some time ago, we have a unique mission which is to accelerate the adoption as opposed to making a profit. So, we do things differently.

“I must say that the most encouraging aspect of the solar energy industry in Nigeria is that it is growing. I would like to see a situation where Nigerians have ownership of the companies, technologies that are being used as opposed to just having some products shipped from China that no one really cares about. I think this is an opportunity for Nigerians to take ownership.”

The CEO was emphatic that, with 45 per cent of Nigerians living without access to electricity, there is a significant opportunity to positively impact the lives of millions through clean energy provision.