Elon Musk, owner of X formerly known as Twitter has confirmed his intentions to implement charges for new users posting on the platform.

In his response to the new X’s policy on new accounts users, Musk said that charging new users is the most effective strategy to curb the proliferation of bots on the platform.

Unfortunately, a small fee for new user write access is the only way to curb the relentless onslaught of bots, he said.

 “Current AI (and troll farms) can pass “are you a bot” with ease. The onslaught of fake accounts also uses up the available namespace, so many good handles are taken as a result.”

While speaking on the policy, Musk mentioned that new users would be granted free posting privileges after a three-month period.

X initiated a $1 per year charge for new users in New Zealand and the Philippines in October, 2023,  to enable them have access to key features such as tweets, retweets, like posts, and reply to posts.

The social media platform stated that this measure aims to “control spam, manipulation, and bot activity.”

The platform will engage in a clean-up exercise to eradicate bot accounts and trolls, warns a suspension for any illegitimate accounts.

Musk has pledged to figure out individuals responsible and pursue legal action against them.